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Filter Categories at brand or store level

Guest shared this feature

February 9, 2019

I think this would be useful if not critical to stores who have brand or store pages. For example.

Balenciaga (Brand)
ASOS (Store)

To be able to filter various types of categories for those attributes.

At the moment if you click Balenciaga as a brand and scroll to category its blank as there are no children, but at the top level if you click t-shirts, in the sidebar under “Brand” Balenciaga will show, as there are t-shirts for Balenciaga..

Same for ASOS, as ASOS is a merchant (store) attribute for us, you navigate to Stores – ASOS, you’re presented with an ASOS page showing the various products, navigate to Categories and it is blank, again there are no children, but at top level if you again click t-shirts, jumpers or whatever it may be, under Merchant (Store) ASOS has them products.

Is this possible?


  1. I think I understand what you are saying:

    If user clicks ‘red’, but has not clicked a category (if you allow this) then the category list should be restricted to ‘red’ products. That’s already achievable.

    Currently, when I test this on foundthru.com, I see all the categories – i.e. not restricted to the attributes at all. That’s the intended behaviour. The categories are more like top-level-pages really – and the default behaviour is to reset all attribute filters when a category is selected.

    You can change this behaviour by altering the widget settings – which I’ve just done now – so that if you visit:


    You see only the category of ‘dogs’ since that’s the only category containing ‘beef’ products.

  2. Hi Dave,

    What would i have to change in the settings to achieve this,


    Here we have the Balenciaga brand, how would we display the various sub categories available, i.e Hoodie, T-Shirts, Shoes?


    • What are you using here to display ‘brand’? Is brand an attribute? If so, it should work.

      If it’s from another plugin, I’ll have to code something up – but let me know because I’m coding extra features for FWW right now.

  3. Hi Dave,

    Yes brand is an attribute.

    • Are you sure it’s not from another plugin? Or did you set ‘brand’ as the permalink in FWW?

      Is it maybe Woo Brands or the Codecanyon one?

      It’s fine if so, I’ve been meaning to add compatibility for a while.

      Would you be able to send me over fresh credentials for your store – both FTP and wp-admin? I’ll include your site as a test-case for my upgrade. Should be ready by Friday.

      • Its not from another plug in,

        The only permalink set in FWW is product_cat

        I’ll send over the credential via live chat now


        • Where did you set ‘brand’ slug: http://prntscr.com/ojgcqm? Did you enable archive for brand attribute?

        • You can disable archives, enable this option: http://prntscr.com/ojhy5s and set there custom slug.

          e.g. https://foundthru.com/filter/beef/

        • We use the brand slug in attributes.

          We then set some custom code to pull the brand attribute from our data feed

          It then populates the brand attribute list for all the brands that are imported.

          Archives are enabled as we need the user to be able to land on a brand page and browse through that particular brand.

          I took your advice and disabled “enable archives” and tested the Balenciaga brand, it then displays nothing, 0 products

  4. It’s working like you want. Update the plugin and enable:
    http://prntscr.com/ojar9y + http://prntscr.com/ojavq0

    There is no need to use WooCommerce Brands plugin (with its archives). It’s better to add brands as attributes and wait for the next update with the following features:


  5. And disable archives for attributes: http://prntscr.com/ojbyrp

    • Hi,

      Everything is set up as you have described, we are not using the woocommerce brands plug in, we are using the attribute, I’ve tried every setting in the widgets.

      Current heirachy
      Full heirachy
      Top Level

      It doesn’t work.

      • Hi, please see my comment above:

        You can disable archives, enable this option: http://prntscr.com/ojhy5s and set there custom slug.

        Live example: https://foundthru.com/filter/beef/

        The only difference will be the global permalink base, so instead of:

        you will have:

        Could you please temporarily disable archives? I use the same settings on my website and it works like a charm.

  6. Yes, thats what i have done, i disable the archives on the attributes, i re vist the brand in this example Balenciaga, and it throws me back to the homepage.

  7. Should be accessible now


    Brings up the filters: Brand & Colour

    “To make it work you should change the permalink base in a function you are using to list the attributes”

    Where is this done?


  8. We’ve entered the slugs:


    In the WooCommerce product attributes.

    We import the feed and it automatically imports the brands & merchants and lists them in the attributes.

  9. Or do you mean,

    How are we listing them in the pages? I.e as an index page?

  10. Could you show me on your site, displaying the filtering as we need it? Where it works like a charm?

    We had a developer do it for us on PPH

  11. Thanks,

    Yeah I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, if tried everything you’ve suggested, and nothing.

    • 1. Disable archives for attributes – this is the main problem.
      2. Widget settings: https://prnt.sc/ojar9y FWW settings: https://prnt.sc/ojhy5s
      3. Don’t use links like: merchant/asos and brand/balenciaga, but: filter/asos and filter/balenciaga
      4. /brands and shops/ pages – Edit an A-Z index or create a new function/shortcode to list the attributes with the NEW permalink structure – links shouldn’t point to their archive pages, so instead of: get_term_link you should use there something like: https://instylr.com/filter/$term->slug

  12. Ok,

    Trying this on the Shops page – this is the shortcode

    [a-z-listing taxonomy=”pa_merchant” display=”terms”]

    What do i have to do to get this to work, based on your description above.

    FWW settings are set
    Pretty permalinks are on
    Filter is set
    Archives are disabled



  13. I’d appreciate any comments and help anyone can provide with testing the new feature to address this feature request – more info available here: https://www.prelive.superspeedyplugins.com/2021/03/01/adding-a-custom-taxonomy-widget-to-faster-woo-widgets/

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