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Add og tags for featured image

Facebook, twitter etc all look for an image URL in the og tags. Currently, if you share a page which is using External Images, it does not find the correct featured image.

Update External Images plugin to set the og tags correctly. Specifically, set og:image tag.



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Modify External Images plugin to pull largest image from choice of 2 fields

Datafeedr and other imports from affiliate feeds frequently have multiple choices of image URLs.

A feature request has been made to modify this plugin to allow admin to choose multiple image URLs in the product meta data and for the plugin to automatically detect which URL for this product has the larger, better quality image.

It will be presumed that ‘larger’ equals better quality.

This image size comparison will occur IF this option is enabled, and IF this product has both (or multiple?) fields populated.

The image size comparison will occur only the first time the product is loaded, and from then on the external image URL will be ‘set’. To override it manually, you will then have to manually edit the external image URL field in the product editing page.



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Add AMP Compatibility to Price Comparison Pro

From user:

When a visitor enters my site on an AMP enabled page, the price comparison table appears in the upper right corner of the screen which makes the page look terrible.

Please view these urls on your mobile device to see what I am talking about.



With Google placing a lot of emphasis on AMP these days, I believe it is important to ensure this plugin is AMP compatible.

This is mostly an HTML and CSS alteration and will be included in the next upgrade.



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Add gallery support

Currently External Images only works with featured images. This feature request is to add ‘gallery’ support so that ALL images on sliders, carousels and in the gallery can be made external.

This will need some careful thought to replicate exactly the behaviour of the gallery and store the ‘images’ array/collection somewhere against the product data.



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Add ‘portrait’ and ‘landscape’ image detection JavaScript

By using the External Images plugin, you forego the ability to ‘crop’ images.

This means, if you have a mix of portrait and landscape images then your product archive pages can end up looking messy.

I want to add some JavaScript and an option to the plugin to detect portrait and landscape images on archive pages, add the relevant CSS class to them and then include CSS which will automatically ensure images use the same amount of space, regardless of whether they are portrait or landscape.




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Save all prices scraped per product to meta-data or local table

A customer has indicated it would be useful to be able to analyse prices scraped in the past and there’s no good reason not to provide this feature.

A storage mechanism needs to be chosen as this table could get quite large – ideally storage options in the interface would be best.

Save the following data:

ProductID, URL, ScrapedURL, ScrapedWebsite, Price, Sale Price, ImageURLs (+ any other data scraped)




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Add ability to search wp_postmeta and other fields

Currently Super Speedy Search can search any custom post type, but it only searches the wp_posts title and description.

I’ve had a few requests from clients to add the ability to search wp_postmeta too. Rather than searching ALL of wp_postmeta, probably there will be a list of meta_keys provided to search against?

Because this is a search of wp_postmeta, it will require a SECOND search to occur (full text indexes cannot span multiple tables). This will mean the search speed will be slightly slower.

There are two key issues to be wary of:

  1. wp_postmeta typically has 20 – 100 times more rows than wp_posts
  2. free-text indexes do not work well against short text – i.e. if wp_postmeta contains a LARGE chunk of text then this search will behave well, but if wp_postmeta is 20 characters or so then it would not work well and a different solution would be required.