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Filter by brands – Perfect WooCommerce Brands

KecoShop shared this feature

July 28, 2019

I’d love to have the option to add a filter by brand (with SEO-friendly URLs). At this moment, this is possible if we’re using an attribute as Brand.

The archive pages for attributes are not very customizable, thus I’d like to use an add-on for brands. I prefer Perfect WooCommerce Brands, but I’d be happy with compatibility with any of the following plugins:
1) Perfect WooCommerce Brands – https://wordpress.org/plugins/perfect-woocommerce-brands/
2) WooCommerce Brands – https://woocommerce.com/products/brands/
3)YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on – https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-brands-add-on/


  1. There is no need for this.

    Please see: https://www.prelive.superspeedyplugins.com/suggestions/seo-text-based-on-filters/

    This will allow us to add text based on the choice of filter configuration. We will have control over each generated page, not only brands.

    I added this request 8 months ago, so maybe it will be available soon…

    • A little more advanced option would be creating landing pages based on filters. For such page you can specify a unique H1, title, meta description and SEO text that will overwrite global FWW settings.

  2. On second thought, I can just use Custom fields to add extra information I’d like on the brand archives (using attributes).

  3. I think adding a general custom taxonomy filter would be the most effective, especially with hierarchical taxonomies. This would would with all “brand” plugins as well.

  4. Can I get feedback on this? I think the brands landing page can be implemented with the suggested new feature or allowing top and bottom HTML per URL.

    Basically – FWW will generate a list of all combinations of categories and canonical attributes and then for each you will be able to view and edit the top and bottom HTML.

    This would allow for example:

    /nike/ -> You could have HTML above and below the nike products

    /adidas/ -> You could have unique HTML above and below the adidas products

    /adidas/copa-mundial/ -> You could have unique HTML above and below these beautiful football boots.


  5. That would be amazing, Dave!

  6. Please adding filter by taxonomy / custom taxonomy would be great. Thank you

  7. Liam – re: the a-p-c filtering issue:

    If there is no category, then there *must* be a preceding slug, e.g. /filter/ or /filtr/ or /f/ or whatever.

    You set this inside FWW settings under the “Attributes-only permalink base” setting – please do not leave this empty.

    Here you can see a-p-c filtered correctly with pretty-permalinks:


    Also – when you change the permalink settings, you may need to visit /wp-admin/options-permalink.php and hit the save button. The plugin attempts to do this for you, but it seems like sometimes it doesn’t succeed.

  8. I’d appreciate any comments and help anyone can provide with testing the new feature to address this feature request – more info available here: https://www.prelive.superspeedyplugins.com/2021/03/01/adding-a-custom-taxonomy-widget-to-faster-woo-widgets/

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