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Advanced logging feature of scraping process

For Price Comparison Pro, I would like to have a detailed view of which URLs it is trying to scrape but also what happens when it doesn’t scrape a URL or when the scrape process is stuck in an infinite loop.

The details of the scrape logging could also be provide in a .txt or .csv format as we could then be able to pinpoint any faulty URLs.

This allows us to further troubleshoot the scrape process and also provide best practices based on our findings.



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Scrape multiple variations

On a page where multiple variatons of a product are listed and the CSS pulls out the correct price in response to a user selection, it’s not currently possible to get Price Comparison Pro to pull out all the variations of a product from a single page to populate the database.

So this feature request is for PCP to be able to extract multiple variations from a single page to populate the database.

e.g. https://www.animeddirect.co.uk/metacam-1-5mg-ml-oral-suspension-for-dogs



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Shop Now button/image

Any chance to add a feature to be able to have an image after the price that could be linked to the product url or related affiliate if available? basically a ‘Shop Now’ image/button



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Woocommerce Price Updates

Hi guys,

It would be out of this world if you could add functionality to update the Woocommerce pricing with some rules. If it goes on another site cheaper than my site don’t change, or if it goes below 5% dont change it.

Also raise the price up to £0.05p under my competitor, these types of functions would be minted.

A widget above the Product Tabs on Single Product Page similar to these https://gamesonline.direct/2016/07/29/road-trip-my-last-weekend-memories/

If you could get these i would commit to buying the plugin.



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Cloudflare security bypass for Price Comparison Pro

A customer has found a site with ‘Im under attack’ mode enabled.

We should still be able to scrape these pages – except when a captcha is requested – although even then, it would be useful to be able to display the captcha to the admin and ask them to enter it to re-enable scraping from their server.

The example site here is:


The library to use to perform the bypass would be this:


This service will have to be enabled through our own Phantom JS scraping service.

An additional check should be added to the start of any scraping session to check for cloudflare protection and then use the library.

The process is pretty much:

1. Check if cloudflare protection exists
2. Use the cloudflare-bypass library
3. Store the cookies for this target site for this source IP
4. When scraping after that, append the cookies to the cURL request (along with any other cookies specified by user in normal way) so that all requests bypass the protection page.
5. If cookies fail, re-run the cloudflare-bypass library to get a fresh set of cookies for this site + server IP



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Allow for scraping of multiple prices for single service

In some cases – digital subscriptions, for example – products have different levels of pricing, but only one source (ie. you can only sign up directly from the vendor of that software, so there’s no price comparison between different stores, but between different tiers). It’d be useful to be able to display these as comparisons – and to be able to pull in other additional data – as well as a single price for a single product.