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Add gallery option to variations


A customer has asked for compatibility with WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin to be added – it doesn’t really make sense to add compatibility with that plugin, but what I can add is the ability to directly add external galleries to the variations.

i.e. customer will get what they want and won’t need that third party plugin any more

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Add option to migrate all existing images to S3 or other external storage location

A couple of customers have asked for this feature already. They are not using affiliate CDNs and would like to migrate all their current images to S3 to alleviate load on their main server.

I should add an option to the External Images plugin to allow users to configure Amazon S3 or similar and to use a cron job to migrate the images and update each product/post/custom post type as it progresses.

Similarly, if users/admins then upload images, it should automatically send them to Amazon S3 instead of uploading them to the server.



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Add OWL carousel compatibility

The OWL carousel is widely used and External Images should really be compatible with it.

In a test with fashxion I had it working with the ‘touch’ and ‘drag’ part but without the required thumbnails underneath.

Need to alter the thumb generation to be compatible with owl and to correctly produce the thumbs.

Should probably at the same time alter the existing carousel so that the thumbs are displayed properly in the thumb area – currently they’re technically displayed in the main featured image area.

Here’s a copy of the underlying HTML that OWL can use:



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Lightbox for Product Images

The issue: currently when using External Images, the lightbox that is normally available for product images, is gone. When you click an image, it simply loads in the little slider. When you click a large image, nothing happens. My customers need to be able to load the images in the lightbox, so they can inspect the details of any garments up close. Please bring back the lightbox link, so that when the larger image is clicked on, it opens in the lightbox that it setup/used for the theme currently active. In case it helps, I use the FooBox plugin for my lightbox.



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Display thumbnails with Jetpack Photon

The issue: currently all external images load as full-sized images, even if they’re only displayed as thumbnails on the site. This is extremely detrimental to page sizes and page loading times, and goes against what the External Images plugin is trying to achieve. I do not need 2,000 pixel images to load in 300×300 pixel spaces, for example in the product image galleries.

Solution: Use Jetpack’s free Photon CDN via their API to automatically display images at thumbnail sizes when required. Use the Photon API (https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/photon/api/) to check if it’s installed and enabled, and if it is, rewrite the URLs to run through Photon so they will return an optimized thumbnail sized image instead where needed. You could make this an option in the admin panel, and greatly improve loading times on the Product Page and all Archive pages a product may appear on.



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Add automatic configuration for top themes

Not all themes behave in the same way. Not all of them behave in the WordPress approved way.

This feature request is to ask our users which themes they use the most and would like to see automatic compatibility for.

So – please list your theme below and we’ll get automatic configuration coded up for it.



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Add hook control for archive thumbnail and product/post detail page featured image

I’ve tried to make External Images work automatically on ALL the themes, but there is just so much variety in theme coding out there that it’s just not possible to make it fully automatic.

Some themes correctly use the wordpress functions to grab the thumb or featured image, and in these cases, it will work perfectly straight out the box.

Other themes grab images directly from the database. In these cases, we have to filter their output and replace it with ours. Different themes place these filters on a variety of different hooks.

Other themes even remove the default actions from the main featured image hooks or thumbnail hooks and move the hooks elsewhere.

In these final two cases, to guarantee compatibility with *every* theme, we need to provide:

  1. An action hook selector for where to place the featured image and a checkbox for whether we should remove other actions from this hook
  2. Same as above but for thumbnail hooks
  3. A filter hook selector to override thumbnail generator – we normally get this right, but this may occasionally be required



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Check if HTTPS is possible for images, if so, replace HTTP with HTTPS for all of that site’s images

We already proxy images if they are not HTTP, but:

1) This uses CPU and bandwidth (but no disk space)
2) Some networks, like ASOS, prevent downloading images in this way
3) Some networks, like ASOS, are listed as HTTP images in datafeedr but actually do have HTTPS images

So I’m going to add a new feature that when it spots an HTTP image for the first time from a new domain, it will test if HTTPS works, and if so, all future HTTP image requests will be changed to HTTPS image request rather than attempting to proxy them.