WordPress Speed
Performance Tips

Configuring Cloudflare for WordPress and WooCommerce: Boost Your Website Speed and Security

Our primary mission at Super Speedy Plugins is to help you never have to worry about ...

Making WordPress Faster and Greener

Dave Hilditch of Super Speedy Plugins is back at WordCamp. This time at WordCamp ...
Case Studies

Speeding up WP All Import imports using Scalability Pro

A customer asked me for helping speeding up their imports. They are using WP All Import ...
Dev Diary

More speed, more updates, and a bit of a roadmap for our plugins

If you've been paying attention, development has been moving forward quickly on External ...
Case Studies

Figuring out slow PHP performance caused by loops using Xdebug

I use Xdebug regularly to help clients figure out why their PHP processes are consuming ...
Case Studies

Performance review for Yith Wishlist (it’s bad, but they fixed it in 24 hours)

A client came to me recently to get help with identifying why their site was so slow ...
Dev Diary

My journey fixing WooCommerce slow speed with many variations – part 1

Ok, so I love WooCommerce, and I love speed, but this one has been on the back burner ...

Speed up your WordPress site

At Super Speedy Plugins we have been making WordPress plugins to speed up your website ...

A-list third-party plugins to improve WordPress site speed

Obviously we love our own plugins to help you speed up your WordPress website. But we ...
Performance Tips

WordPress stack configuration, customisation and optimisation guide

In the article below, I cover various tips and tricks to help you run your WordPress ...
WP Intense