Scalability Pro
Case Studies

Rehub Theme Performance and Scalability Review

Everyone else measures theme performance using GT Metrix. If you go do a Google search ...
Case Studies

Foundthru demo site of Super Speedy Plugins plugins

The Foundthru site has been built to demonstrate the functionality and performance of the ...
Case Studies

Extra performance boosts for Scalability Pro

There's a new update for Scalability Pro out. It includes two new options to further ...
Performance Analysis

How to Identify and Fix Scalability Issues on your WordPress Website

Over the 2 years of running Super Speedy Plugins, I've had many questions from clients ...
Dev Diary

Super Speedy Search (beta) is here and free for all Scalability Pro customers

The very first version of Super Speedy Search is finally here. It's still in beta, so ...
Plugin Updates

Scalability Pro v4 Released

Finally! I've been busy coding, testing, fixing, and re-testing to get Scalability Pro ...
Dev Diary

Scalability Pro is changing

I've been working hard on the latest version of Scalability Pro to bring improved ...
Performance Analysis

Optimising front-end WordPress Performance

If you've used tools like Pingdom, Google Page Speed Insights or GT Metrix, you'll have ...
Plugin Updates

Scalability Pro upgrade released

There's a new update available for Scalability Pro. We're now up to version 3.1. Fixes ...
Dev Diary

Quick update on progress and what’s coming (Price Comparison Pro update out soon)

Hi everyone - I'm sorry I haven't communicated much the past two weeks. I've been busy ...
WP Intense