Price Comparison Pro
Plugin Updates

Price Comparison Pro v2.80 released

I've released an upgrade which includes the following upgrades: Improved Currency ...

Scraping Service Back up and running

I've got the scraping service back up and running. Some of you were complaining that ...
Plugin Updates

Price Comparison Pro scraper service outage

Hi - I'm working on a fix, but there's currently an outage in our Price Comparison Pro ...
Plugin Updates

Major new upgrade to Price Comparison Pro released

Hi folks - I'm aware it's been a while coming, but the latest upgrade to Price Comparison ...
Performance Analysis

Optimising front-end WordPress Performance

If you've used tools like Pingdom, Google Page Speed Insights or GT Metrix, you'll have ...
Plugin Updates

It’s finally here! Price Comparison Pro version 2.05

It's finally here! The long awaited and requested update for our Price Comparison Pro is ...
Dev Diary

Quick update on progress and what’s coming (Price Comparison Pro update out soon)

Hi everyone - I'm sorry I haven't communicated much the past two weeks. I've been busy ...
WP Intense