Submit Ticket

Before submitting a ticket, please check this is the correct form of communication:

  • If you are reporting a bug please create a bug report first and then include a link to the bug report in your ticket along with any credentials (wp-admin, SFTP) we need to investigate.
  • If you are requesting a new feature, please create a feature request instead of a ticket.
  • If you are contacting us for a status update, please instead see our Trello board. We create Trello cards for all bug reports & feature requests so you can see status updates easily. You can comment directly on the Trello card instead if you wish, to try and get us bump the priority of your item.
  • If you are asking a pre-sales question, or other general questions please ask them through our Q&A system instead.

When submitting a ticket, please provide full information to help speed up our response:

  • Describe the problem and the plugin name in the ticket title
    e.g. Super Speedy Search fulltext index not being created with Claue Theme
  • Tell us in the description which version of the plugin you are using and whether you have tried the beta version
  • Provide a direct URL to where we can see the problem
  • Create a wp-admin user and SFTP credentials to your development site if we will need it to see the problem
  • Optionally include screenshots
  • Describe the problem as thoroughly as you can
  • For bug details, it will speed up our response if you can submit your debug.log file
  • For theme-specific bugs, it will speed up our response if you can attach zip files of your theme & child theme to your ticket


WP Intense