Super Speedy Plugins Fast WordPress Stack Hosting

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ASuper Speedy Plugins Fast WordPress Stack Hosting
Simon A. asked 8 years ago

Hi David,

Im interested in buying the Super Speedy Plugins Fast WordPress Stack but Im not 100% clear on my best option for hosting.

I need managed hosting as am not able to admin the servers etc myself, so form what I understand the Digital Ocean option wouldnt work for me.

You mention WP Engine - are you saying you are able to install Super Speedy Plugins Fast WordPress Stack on WP Engine?

If thats the case I hve an install with them with a copy of the site I want to speed up on - is this somethign you can work with ?

Alternatively I see that offer a managed Digital Ocean service.

Please let me know what you think the best option is here.

The site is here and is currently hosted with Fast Comet.

Many thanks


1 Answers
Dave H. answered 8 years ago

Hi – if you go with WP Engine, I cannot build the stack on there but they do have fast servers with something close to this stack.

If you go with just digital ocean, you have to manage it yourself.

I don’t think Cloudways would support the custom stack either – they are installed ‘apps’ (wordpress) for you, which will include their own stack.

If you need the managed service, go with WP Engine – they’re the ones that commissioned the first Mercury stack anyway so they’re very good.

Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply and advice. I have actually just moved off WP Engine – I still have an install of the site there at

Do you think that if I went back to this and installed you Super Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin I would see an decent improvement ?


Kind regards

Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Sorry – I should say please use if you’d like to look at the site as the links from the home page go to the live domain.

Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

Hi Spasimon, do you still need any help with your inquiry?

Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Hi Vasil,

Yes please – I have installed the plug in but I have some issues.

The sub categories don’t appear as nested, so at times its hard to tell that they are in fact sub categories.

Also the pagination always show 200 pages regardless of which category you are on, so for example there are only 9 products on Flying Experiences, yet its shows 100 pages and if you go past page 1 you get a 404 error.

Its also fairly slow.


Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Hi – sorry correct URL is

Please can you let me know on this?

The speed is ok now but would like to know why it shows 100 pages regardless of number of products. Also would like to know if its possible to display child categories as nested.

Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Hi – having had no response I had taken the sub categories off the site, expect for one for you to look at as an example.

As you can see from the screen shot here: the sub categories for UK Hotels & Breaks blend into the main categories.

Please can you help me with this problem, please can you reply to my comments.

Many thanks

Kind regards

Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

Deepest apologies, Spasimon. For some reason I wasn’t alerted about your comments and thought your issue has been resolved. I’ll turn Dave’s attention to this ASAP and make sure you get an answer within 24 hours.

Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Thanks Vasil – the 2 issues left are 1/Display of the subcategories and 2/Number of pages = 100 regardless if number of products within a category.

Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Hi Vasil,

Also I have just noticed that it doesn’t sort by price either – its just random.


Kind regards

Simon A. replied 8 years ago


Have you had a chance to look into this? Sorry to chance but you mentioned 24 hours, and its been a couple of days ?


Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

I have turned Dave’s attention to this, Spasimon. He is having a look at it as we speak, I imagine. I haven’t had an answer from him in a while, though – I take it something’s happening around it. I will poke him again as soon as possible and remind him of this issue. Really sorry to keep you waiting.

Dave H. replied 8 years ago

Hi Spasimon – the Super Speedy Plugins performance plugin comes with a settings page. If you visit the settings page you’ll see options for disabling the sort order (which will speed up queries but will break sorting) as well as options to disable pagination which also speeds up queries but then you will need to use an infinite scroll plugin or – as you say – each archive will behave as if it has 100 products). If you do not see these options, please make sure you upgrade to the latest version.

Simon A. replied 8 years ago

Thanks Dave. What about the question, regarding the display of the subcategories ?


Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

Hello Spasimon. I see there hasn’t been any follow up here for quite a while. What happened to your problem, do you still need help?

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