WP Residence Real Estate theme compatibility

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: External ImagesWP Residence Real Estate theme compatibility
. asked 3 years ago

Is your External Images plugin fully compatible with the "WP Residence Real Estate" WordPress theme?


2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

I’m sorry I can’t answer that without buying the plugin. If you upload a copy somewhere and send me a private answer I can test it for you, but generally YES, it’s compatible with all custom post types and I’ve already optimised it for another real estate theme so I see no reason it won’t work with this one.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

And if it doesn’t work, I’ll alter the plugin to make it work or write a guide for you showing the workaround to make it work.

Curtis C. replied 3 years ago

Thanks, Dave. I emailed you my site credentials via email on May 31 and tried following up a few times. Can you please advise? Emails sent to dave@ and support@. Thanks very much, Curtis

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Sorry about the delay with getting to this. I’ll try and get a solution for you over the weekend. One thing to check is changing the display option for gallery to the default and then it normally works – see this other answer for a similar situation:


Curtis C. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave – I tried the gallery option in my theme, but that did not work. Did you have an opportunity to review the theme over the weekend? Thank you.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

We have a copy of the theme, we are installing it on a demo site, we’ll get back to you today with an answer.

Curtis C. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave, just following up to see if you have new information on the theme compatibility? Thank you

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

See my separate answer.

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Ok – I installed a copy of WP Residence here:


Some things weren’t working immediately – I’ve fixed:

  • Admin thumbnails now working
  • Featured image no longer displays again in the gallery (i.e. featured image only appears once rather than twice)




You can check the demo above – Glyn will be fleshing this out next week to show all display variations – and the changes to make this fully compatible are now in version Beta 2.59. You can download that now from your account.

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