WP Multisite Network Activate?

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProWP Multisite Network Activate?
RUEDIGER R. asked 8 years ago


is it possible to network activate the plugin in a multisite environment or do I have to install it separately on each subsite? I am using the subdomain structure.

Dave H. replied 8 years ago

Sorry – I’m not sure – I don’t have a multi-site setup anywhere that I can use to test. If you have a multisite dev env you could test it in I would appreciate the feedback

2 Answers
Vasil Y. answered 8 years ago

Hello Rod, judging by the lack of follow up here I take it your issue has been resolved privately with Mr. Hilditch. I will be moving the question accordingly. In case this is untrue, please post an entirely new question with your problem and I will be with you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Scalability 4.61 now has multisite compatibility.

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