WooCommerce Variations External Images

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: External ImagesWooCommerce Variations External Images
. asked 4 years ago

Hi Dave,

I'm using a plugin called WooCommerce Additional Variation Images.

I can see from your answer here - https://www.prelive.superspeedyplugins.com/question/external-wordpress-images-for-product-gallery-2/ - that gallery images can be added external images.

Would this also be the case for additional variation images? (Also using WP All Import)



1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Currently it handles featured images, thumbnails and gallery images but NOT variations yet.

If this is something you’re keen on, I can add a feature request to get this implemented.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

I’ve added this item to the Trello board: https://trello.com/c/3S2dadBD/74-ei-add-ability-to-configure-variation-images-using-ei

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

Variation images and variation galleries have been implemented

Your Answer

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