WooCommerce Subscriptions

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProWooCommerce Subscriptions
Alex J. asked 7 years ago


We have a woocommerce store with about 27 prodcuts, 5 of which are subscription. Its had about 19000 subscription orders, and 8500 currently active members. We have had database cash issues over the last year and I was wondering if your scalability plugin would address this issue -

the main problems come from the requests to the database taking too long to execute andeither using up too many resources or just timing out -

Any advice would be great -

best regards


Alex J. replied 7 years ago

sorry to add to that, 19000 subscritpion accounts – 91,000 orders total.

Alex J. replied 7 years ago

the site gets very sluggish mostly on admin side when trying to deal with orders etc

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi – the answer is emphatically yes – Scalability Pro doesn’t just solve scaling problems for your users, but also for all wp-admin pages.

Scaling your back-end is a different kind of scaling problem to scaling number of pages, but underneath it’s still the same problem – table scans need to be eliminated – and that’s what Scalability Pro does. We have added custom code to improve users, orders and more to make wp-admin fly (sub second).

Stop struggling with it and go get Scalability Pro to solve your problems. I’m here all weekend too if you need help with it.

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