Will your plugin work for me?

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Super Speedy FiltersWill your plugin work for me?
. asked 2 years ago

Hi,I have been searching and extensively testing a variety of Filter plugins this past week and have yet to find a solution.

I have a website that sells car parts that relies on the user to find suitable products by searching for their vehicle first.

I am currently using this plugin to enable users to select their vehicle: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-vehicle-parts-finder-yearmakemodelenginecategorykeyword/15122009?s_rank=5

Will your Product Filter allow me to apply adaptive filtering to the sidebar filters based on the vehicle make/model/variant?

Every plugin I\'ve tried does not hide the sidebar filters that are not available for the selected vehicle and instead shows all results from my shop.

This won\'t work for me as users can then access products that aren\'t available for their selected vehicle and they order the wrong thing.

The process I require is as follows:

  1. Users use the Vehicle Parts Finder search bar to select their vehicle (by Make/Model/Variant)
  2. Applicable results are shown
  3. The sidebar filters will HIDE any product categories that ARE NOT applicable to the vehicle they\'ve searched for.

For example, Right now if I search:

Make: Audi, Model: A4, Variant: B8... that result shows a SINGLE product in the listing but the sidebar product filters show EVERY item in my shop.

I have already purchased x3 other plugins that do not work which is essentially money down the drain and am hesitant to purchase more now.

*As a side note, a filter plugin called X Product Filter for Woocommerce... does in fact work but is buggy and the developer support is very unsatisfactory.I hope you can help. I am getting nowhere with this.

2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 2 years ago

Yes – we actually already have another car parts supplier using our Super Speedy Filters plugin and he does the same thing – whichever filters are selected, these filters filter the other filters.

This is provided you have the option ‘Respect other filters’ enabled in each of our filters you have added.

Typically people might have the top level filter ‘Ignore other filters’ which means that selecting this filter will actually reset all the other filters – think of changing top level category at e.g. Amazon.

Then with the other filters set to ‘Respect other filters’ then they only show values which are actually available based on your currently active filters.

We also have a Beta option which will filter the filters based on any SEARCH performed. This works perfectly, but remains in beta right now until I’ve tested it on enough huge websites to confirm the speed is good enough. It’s easy to enable this beta option – you just add a line to your wp-config.php file.

I’m available on our Discord server most days if you have any more questions.

. answered 2 years ago

Hi there. Both of those options sound perfect.

Is the Beta option better than the "Super speedy filters" plugin?

I’ve been trying to figure this out for so long that I’m getting desperate. Whichever option you think is best and will work for my site, I’m happy to go with your suggestion.

This website has a sister site which is HUGE. Way more products. I need the best solution – as whatever I do on this website will need to translate to the sister site as it will have a much larger range of products that will require further filtering once a make/model/variant is chosen.

Will await your suggestion.

Dave H. Staff replied 2 years ago

You get the beta option with the plugin – if I were you I’d buy the Super Speedy Pack and install Scalability Pro, Super Speedy Search AND Super Speedy Filters.

I’m not familiar with this codecanyon plugin, but I had a look and as far as I can tell it just creates the relevant taxonomies for you (vehicle part, engine size etc) so Super Speedy Filters will let you filter on these and you can filter progressively and adaptively.

e.g. progressively – only show X filters once Y filters have been selected

e.g. adaptive – only show values which match existing filters.

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