Neo n. asked 3 years ago

Hi Dave,

i uploaded a newest beta version of FWW plugin and then all product filters that were there before dissapeared.

Please have a look


Please urgently require your help! Thanks

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

OK…they are back again, but it there were no filters for some time in the frontend.

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

I checked again, product category filter doesnt show up sometimes… type of category list – current hierarchy-doest work.

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Hi there, can I get a reply for this one? Thanks

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – sorry for delay in responding. I’m on holiday just now, so limited reply time available. If you come chat on our Discord server I can help quicker.

For this – the upgrade would have required a new set of tables to be created. A future upgrade will make it so there is no downtime for people – it’ll be able to use two ways of querying the tables – the traditional slow way and the faster way, and then the plugin will only try to use the faster way once the supporting tables have been created.

For other readers, the latest versions of both Super Speedy Search and Faster Woo Widgets require MySQL 8 or MariaDB, but for you since your filters started working it sounds like you have MySQL 8 or MariaDB.

Regarding ‘current hierarchy’ not showing up – if you have not got a category selected, this filter will not appear.

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave,

Filters started working today after I deleted everything and newly uploaded the plugin. Now they dont work again!! How can it be?

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Also I think Rebuild ancestors table and empty cache doesnt work..

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

I checked again and Rebuild ancestors table and empty cache doesnt work. Nothing is happening when I click on it and the table is empty in the database.

Dennis L. replied 3 years ago

I have Maria DB and the same Problem that the tables for fww are not beeing created even after Rebuild ancestors table and empty cach

Dennis L. replied 3 years ago

I have Maria DB and the same Problem that the tables for fww are not beeing created even after Rebuild ancestors table and empty cach

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

I’ve created a trello card for this here: https://trello.com/c/9H9uXS8Y/270-rebuild-ancestors-not-working-on-mariadb

Can you please come to our Discord server and provide access for me to your server so I can test this issue with MariaDB? It should work with MariaDB but it’s possible one of the SQL commands needs to be slightly altered for MariaDB but I’ll need to find out which one.

Longer term, I’ll get another demo site set up using MariaDB to improve the testing process.

Your Answer

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