
benjamin p. asked 4 years ago


I just purchased this plugin and it looks great.

I am having 2 issues, can you please help me?

1) How can I translate it to spanish?

I am interested in translating the table that shows the prices. Its very few text

Store: Tienda

Price: Precio

Price age: Actualizado hace

Refresh price: Actualizar

Product link: Link

Check price: Revisar precio

Go to store: Ir a la tienda

2) The table looks deconfigures

You can see the post with price comparision here

benjamin p. replied 4 years ago

I managed to solve issue 2… but I haven´t been able to translate this simple things. Can you help me? thanks!

benjamin p. replied 4 years ago

I managed to solve issue 2… but I haven´t been able to translate this simple things. Can you help me? thanks!

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

I’m working on a solution for you so this will be easier to translate – it’s technically possible using CSS but that’s not ideal, so let me come up with something good for you.

Your Answer

WP Intense