There are about 100,000 products on my woocommerce, the server is 12 cores, the memory is 64G, but the CPU usage is often very high

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: OtherThere are about 100,000 products on my woocommerce, the server is 12 cores, the memory is 64G, but the CPU usage is often very high
. asked 3 years ago

There are about 100,000 products on my woocommerce, the server is 12 cores, the memory is 64G, but the CPU usage is often very high. I went to the server to check a lot of php-fpm processes, and I want to know if your plugin can solve many problems! How should I choose a plugin to solve this problem, hope to get your reply soon

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

For 100,000 products, get our newly launched Super Speedy Pack. It includes Super Speedy Search, Faster Woo Widgets (now named Super Speedy Filters) and Scalability Pro.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Also – this is the best starting point:

Install Query Monitor, check your slow pages, look for slow queries and queries with very high row counts. High row counts commonly means that data is being parsed with PHP.

e.g. the vanilla WooCommerce Price Filter – it loads ALL of your products into memory and then using PHP calculates what the minimum and maximum price should be. On a 100,000 product store that will kill your server.

My filters have been built to scale and are tested every single release against multiple million product stores to ensure we haven’t messed up scalability and performance.

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