The lowest price as product price

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Price Comparison ProThe lowest price as product price
Michel J. asked 8 years ago

Hello Super Speedy Plugins team

On the product details page the Price Comparison plugin is showing the lowest price. Now I also have that same price on the product details page but with css I can make that invisible but I need to show the lowest price on the product category/shop page. How can I achieve that?

Kind regards,


1 Answers
John M. answered 8 years ago

Hi Michel,
There is no fix for this at the momen, but the good news is – your question has prompted us to add this to our sprint (where we plan and achieve our upgrade schedule) – we will add a feature where we make a new ajax call to fetch the cheapest price.
The upgrade will be out by the end of next week.
Kind regards

WP Intense