Sorting by Price / Alphabetical

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Price Comparison ProSorting by Price / Alphabetical
Mark M. asked 8 years ago

Is there anyway this can be implemented? i am looking at having the stores have the option to be sorted alphabatically by defult regardless of what product link is entered first in the product page and being able to sort by price, lowest to highest as a defult?

Additionally, if using Price Comparison Pro with Woo Commerce, i have noticed that the sort ordering by price option does not work ? is this something that can be implemented.

1 Answers
Vasil Y. answered 8 years ago

Hey Moka, sorry for the delay.

Currently I don’t think you can arrange then alphabetically, however the dev team has been working on a lot of new features of late.

I will make sure to send those requested features to them, and I am sure you can expect them in a future update.

I will make sure to ping you as soon as they are live, if that’s the case.

Thank you for your feedback and request.

Your Answer

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