Slow loading to enter the site

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProSlow loading to enter the site
Clayton D. asked 4 years ago

Hello, how are you?

First of all thank you very much for providing such a good plugin. Congratulations! It really improved the speed of the site a lot.

I installed the scalability-pro plugin and configured it on my website.

Now, when I put an address (URL: in the browser, it takes time for the content on the site to appear.

Could you help me with what happens please? At least a direction of what to do?

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

Can you update your question and include a wp-admin username and password? I’m seeing a cached version of the page so I can’t help with this info. I’ll need to install Query Monitor too. If you want to try and identify issues yourself, I have a little guide here:

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