Scalability Pro

Kyle I. asked 4 years ago

Hi Dave,

Could you please help me identify the cause of slow loading pages?


/plugins.php (30 seconds)

/shop (4 seconds)


Intel Xeon Quad Core 3.2GHz


Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

The wp-admin password you provided me is not working. Your plugins page will probably be running slowly because that page runs all the plugin update checks. If you have unauthenticated plugins, these will keep checking every time /plugins.php is loaded and can cause 30 seconds or more load time.

I’m keen to check your /shop/ page though, so please update your question private info with the correct wp-admin password.

Kyle I. replied 4 years ago

Hi Dave, I wasn’t sure how to edit the private info, but I’ve changed the password to the one I provided. Please also see the email that I sent to – I’d like to upgrade and get access to the Image URL plugin before the BF promo ends.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Your plugins page took 44 seconds to load – 34 seconds of this was plugins checking for updates, so if you want your plugins page to load faster, you need to enter your license key for these plugins so that they can properly check for updates. Then, the first time the plugins page loads, it will still take 40 seconds, but after the updates have succeeded it will decrease to about 10 seconds.

For your shop pages, you are using the WooCommerce Product Filters plugin, and like every other filter plugin other than Elastic Search and my own Faster Woo Widgets plugin, none of these other filter plugins scale well.

The filters are taking about 11 to 12 seconds to load on your shop pages.

Also – you are not using an object cache. I suggest you add one of these first – like the Redis object cache. This will reduce the number of queries executed per page, although I don’t think it helps the filters.

If you are installing Faster Woo Widgets, it really needs the object cache to be able to persist it’s progressive cache from page to page.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

Note: Scalability Pro has optimised the MAIN query but it doesn’t optimise these third party filter plugins because of how badly their SQL queries are written – it’s just not possible to optimise them.

If filters are the cause of your slow down, get my Faster Woo Widgets plugin or Elastic Search. My plugin is cheaper and arguably better, working with your existing MySQL database.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

Also note: The latest Faster Woo Widgets plugin is still in beta and has a LOT of upgrades compared to the core version including significant improvements over SEO options (indexability, canonical, titles and more) as well as control over on-sale pages etc.

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