Real Estate Listings Theme – external_image_url imports images however does not display on property listings

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: External ImagesReal Estate Listings Theme – external_image_url imports images however does not display on property listings
Kevin G. asked 4 years ago

I am creating a custom field during the import called external_image_url and importing the images by as the CDN URLs are separated in the file by a comma.

After importing, the property listings do have the images imported as I can see them in the Gutenberg editor under External Images and External Images Gallery on the sidebar.

However, they are not showing on the property listings on the website itself or in the thumbnails.

Please help with this. Greatly appreciated, thanks!

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – we answered this a while ago but I’m cleaning up old Q&A – the Houzez theme had full compatibility added a few months ago with one exception for one style of featured image. There are two workarounds for this as described here:

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