Random Critical Error

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ARandom Critical Error
. asked 3 years ago

Hi,After purchasing Scalability Pro, I am having some test on testing site.The issue I am currently facing is that, I randomly get critical error after few days of activating plugin.Deleteing plugin from filemanager clear the critical error.Do you know why this is happening ?Thank youAndrew

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – please check which version you are using and note the EXPERIMENTAL option – this option may cause this crash – please disable this version or ensure you are using the latest beta version where this error is gone.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

The EXPERIMENTAL option was the 3rd or 4th option down relating to fixing LEFT JOINS. The way this is handled is improved in the latest beta and avoids these errors.

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