Price Comparison Pro – Shipping

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Price Comparison ProPrice Comparison Pro – Shipping
. asked 8 years ago

Hi, With the Price Comparison Pro plugin is it possible to set up shipping amounts for products? I would like a user to be able to see which retailer is offering the best shipping price (as well as product price) with the displayed shipping amount maybe based on the user's IP or a drop down box with a list of locations. Thanks.

Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

Hey there. Unsure if the plugin currently offers this feature, I'll have to ask Dave personally. – However, even in case that it doesn't, our devs have been implementing a plethora of new features lately, your request can surely be added as well. I'll get back to you very soon!

1 Answers
John M. answered 8 years ago

HI Digniz there will be an upgrade to Price comparison Pro this Month (March 2017) – we have planning lots of new features for a while and are really excited to bring our new version to cusomers – look out form more news on our site.



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