
. asked 3 years ago

In order to proceed to purchase the plugin pack, could you help us in some pre sales questions?

Also, we are using xforwoocommerce for product filters and ajax search pro for mean searching with index functionality and they have a lot of demos in order to give to someone the whole functionality and particulary the interface that customers will use! What about your plugins? How we will testing in order to decide the parameters/customization of yours? espesially for faster woo widgets, are there options for price slider to work with ajax - meaning not submit button or for categories to have a scroll vertical option or to choose categories & custom tax types for specific results from? and what about super speed search? what are the options/customization for results at clients UI? do you support facets? also, at your demo for 800k products, you just search the categories between them and there is not a search box for the same products! why you do not have a full demo or sites/links from your customers in order to check what you provide to us?

And out of curiosity, why woocommerce do not use the same practise in order to boost their products and they dev lookup tables and some not finished projects for product/order tables out of wp?

Kostas M. replied 3 years ago

Can I expect an answer? I hope that you are not a scam!

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – we’re working on Faster Woo Widgets documentation and demo preparation right now – the demos won’t be ready until the end of June.

When we do that big launch of Faster Woo Widgets, we’ll offer a free trial too, but currently the option you have is to purchase and use the 60-day money back guarantee.

The price slider works with ajax if you enable the ajax option, the categories can have a vertical scroll option if you have them in the sidebar, you can also place categories above the product list.

Super Speedy Search has an option to search within the currently selected facets, and the Faster Woo Widgets filters (all of them) are adaptive so the filters list (e.g list of categories, list of attributes, list of taxonomy etc) will only show for products that match the text search.

Kostas M. replied 3 years ago

Thank you for your reply … we are going to purchase the Performance Plugin Pack this week … also, do you think that we will be ok with 400k-500k products in a dedicated server (xeon,18core,128GB, ssd)?

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

I’ll say a ‘caveated’ YES – it depends what other plugins you are using too. But yes, 500K products is fast on $20 per month digital ocean server and your server is massive compared to that.

Your Answer

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