Presale question about WordPress Performance Analysis and Optimisation

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: WordPress Performance AnalysisPresale question about WordPress Performance Analysis and Optimisation
. asked 4 years ago
Hi, We want to use WordPress Performance Analysis and Optimisation for our site.We are facinng 524 and 502 error randomly. Please check and let me know when we can start? Have there any money back gurentee? Thanks, Dwaipayan
2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

If it’s one of the small performance analysis pieces it can be done next week. If it’s a larger one, it could be started next week.

There’s no money back guarantee on the service – instead you’re getting a fixed price guarantee for a minimum amount of my time and I won’t stop helping until you’re happy. There’s never been a performance bottleneck I couldn’t figure out.

Sometimes the performance analysis uncovers fundamental issues that require some large alterations to your site – often these are around use of plugins, widgets or shortcodes and implementing faster more scalable replacements. Where possible I will try to enlist your help to fix these parts so I can keep focusing on other performance areas on your site and you get more value for money.

If you’re currently on shared hosting, please don’t purchase the performance analysis yet – instead fix your hosting first – I recommend Gridpane, or my rocket stack on Digital Ocean, or Cloudways are quite good or WP Engine. There are others that are good too.

Zotezo Com E. answered 4 years ago

Hi Dave,

We’ve rebuilt our stack out of Gridpane with nginx 1.14, php7.3 with redis and FastCGI on a 4vcpu-15gb VM. Hosted WP with Astra Pro, Woocommerce, AMP and few other plugins. Of course cloudflare is on top of it. It was working perfectly fine and fast when on dev mode, as soon as we pointed DNS it became superslow comsuming all PHP resource most of the time and also mysql is using high CPU. Not able to figure out where could be the issue, would be grateful if you could help on this. IF required we may buy one of your support plan again.

Can you please start it from tomorrow? We are loosing our business so please consider it.



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