Pre-sales questions

. asked 2 years ago


I have some presales questions about the Super Speedy Filters plugin.

  1. I have a slow page load on my test site due to the product filters. Can I buy just one "Super Speedy Filters" plugin without your other "SuperSpeedyPack" plugins?

  2. Will the plugin work well without your other plugins?

  3. By default, all filters are shown in product categories. Does your plugin have functionality to show certain filters for certain product categories?

For example, for category "Clothing" I need only two filters "Size" and "Color", and for category "Shoes" only "Size". This is a very important functionality for me.

2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 2 years ago
  1. Yes, you can buy Super Speedy Filters on its own
  2. Yes it works well without the others
  3. You can configure our filters to require a category (or whatever attribute/tax) be selected prior to display. They also automatically don’t display if there is no data for this category – e.g. if you have a pa_shoe_size but you visit /clothing/ then the shoe size filter will not display.

For more advanced control than this, there are some really good context-sensitive widget plugins out there which will give you total control along with our filters to choose where and when to display each filter.

. answered 2 years ago

Thank you for answer! Name the plugins you wrote about? Will they work correctly with your plugin?

It’s just that your plugin is the best among the others and I wouldn’t want to put extra plugins. I thought the functionality to show certain attributes in certain product categories, works by default with you.

Dave H. Staff replied 2 years ago

Our plugin automatically hides irrelevant attributes in each category. If you configure the shoe_size attribute but then someone views the shirts category, the shoe size category will not display.

There are many context-sensitive widget plugins available – here’s my preferred one which lets you provide URL wildcards for free:

There’s also this one:

Here’s the option we have directly inside Super Speedy Filters to hide filters until other taxonomies have been selected:

But really, for full control, the Widget Context plugin works perfectly along with Super Speedy Filters. It depends how much control you need. Our automatic widget display/hiding works incredibly well but some users choose to hide some filters until a category is selected for example and THEN they rely on our auto display/hide functionality.

Regardless, if our display/hide/auto-hide functionality is not enough, the Widget Context plugin adds everything else you could possibly need. It’s fast too, tested against our 800,000 product demo store.

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