Pre-Sale Question: Super Speedy Filters + ACF

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Super Speedy FiltersPre-Sale Question: Super Speedy Filters + ACF
. asked 2 years ago


I am interested in Super Speedy Filters plugin.

1) Is it complatible with ACF? If yes what "field type" it does not support?

(I mainly need it for the following field types: Number, Text, Date, Select, Checkbox)

2) I am not using Woocommerce, can I still filter my wordpress posts using Super Speedy Filters plugin?

3) I am using the new Elementor Loop grid, is it supported?

-- GM

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 2 years ago
  1. Yes, partially – ACF stores data in postmeta. We have a postmeta filter where you can select the correct meta key. However, these keys do not then include counts. We support number ranges and toggles which can use text values or numbers underneath. We don’t yet have checkbox, but we do have radio button and checkboxes would be quite easy to add.

Our range meta filters can be used for min, max, min/max for sliders with whatever step you like, or text links with the ranges. Our ranges can also be used as ‘exact ranges’ where a value has to be exact, so you can match exact values.

  1. Not yet, we only support ‘product’ post type at the moment. Full post type support coming soon.
  2. Probably – I just add Greenshift loop block support today, so Elementor loop grid would be similarly simple I’m sure.

What kind of stuff are you filtering?

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