Pre purchase queries

. asked 8 years ago

Hi Support,

I am building a site for affiliate products with there price comparision, and I just want to know if you provide this?

If yes how and what will be the necessary steps.

Kind regards,


Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

Hey Kirti. There is a pretty long and detailed explanation regarding affiliate products and setting up the plugin to work with such on the Price Comparison Pro page under “WordPress Plugins” menu. Did you have a look at it?

2 Answers
. answered 8 years ago

Is this works for Indian ecommerce site like flipkart , , snapdeal etc ?

Dave H. replied 8 years ago

Hi – yes – it works with ALL websites. The standard version of Price Comparison Pro uses normal cURL requests to fetch pages, but if you need it we provide a PhantomJS service which simulates a browser and means you can scrape prices from any website. (we also rotate proxies etc and provide country-specific country proxies)

Dave H. answered 8 years ago

Currently – Price Comparison Pro lets you compare PRICES.

It does not yet handle building the store for you – you have to enter the URLs of the places where it’s possible to buy each item. You also need to configure the CSS for each website to tell the Price Comparison Pro plugin where the price is located on the page. You can use WPAllImport or Datafeedr to get various URLs.

So if you’re building an affiliate price comparison store:

  1. Load products into your store (using WP All Import or Datafeedr or WooZone)
  2. Set up alternate URLs for each product and configure per-website CSS (not per-URL)
  3. Done
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