Permalink manager pro + faster woo widgets

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Super Speedy FiltersPermalink manager pro + faster woo widgets
RAdovan J. asked 3 years ago


on our web we are using Permalink manager pro due to this feature (shortening category url or making category url non hierarchical (flat)) -

When i press filtering via faster woo widgets, it not working with this combination of pluguin. - test it on this url

Look at URL - it is duplicated

After deactivating Permalink manager PRO it works good.

I wrote to support on Permalink manager pro , and it look's that your plugin is not comaptible with shortening url.

Can you do something ?

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

If you need to remove /product-category/ from the URL then can you just use the option inside Faster Woo Widgets? Then you wouldn’t need to use Permalink Manager Pro.

If you need particular extra features from Permalink Manager Pro then I’ll need to take a look at how the plugin behaves, because there are signals that are meant to be sent to WooCommerce to indicate the category etc.

Note: Faster Woo Widgets has lots of permalink control – for example, you can change /product-category/dog-toys/?pa_color=22 to /dog-toys/white/

It gives complete control over canonical URLs and what to allow Google to index too, as well as the permalink control.

If there are specific features of Permalink Manager Pro that you DO need, can you please elaborate with examples and also please create a private answer here with a link to an uploaded zip file of the plugin so I can mess around with it in my own development environment.

RAdovan J. replied 3 years ago

Hello, something new with comment below ?

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi – I’ve got the access details, I’ve been working on a case study but I’ll take a look at this as soon as I can and see if it’s something simple to add compatibility. I’ll try and take a look tomorrow morning, you’ll have an answer for sure by Monday.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Just one thing – have you tried this: Add your faster woo widgets to your sidebar, visit settings > Faster Woo Widgets, configure permalinks, hit Save, visit Settings -> Permalinks, hit Save – then test – I know this fixes a known bug in another scenario when permalink slugs end up duplicated so that may also work here.

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