Nothing Gained

Scott M. asked 4 years ago

This has not improved anything significant. Takes 60 plus seconds to load a product page. We have alot of variations but nothing out of the ordinary for apparel options. I'm using your plugins, caching plugin, image reducing plugin. I'm at a loss.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Looking at your /product-category/astrology/ page with Query Monitor, I see a very high RAM usage in Query Monitor.

When I click to view Queries then sort by ‘Row Count’ then I see a couple of queries populating the cache consuming 40,000+ rows.

High row count leading to high RAM usage

When you have a lot of variations, many themes and plugins and even vanilla woocommerce will load the underlying product variations on the archive view. Whether it’s just the product IDs of these variations or more detail that is loaded depends on the plugins, theme, theme features and even shortcodes and widgets you use.

Firstly, to improve your situation you should definitely go about installing an object cache. An object cache helps here because vanilla WooCommerce will definitely continue to load these underlying variations for each product. Without an object cache, even if this product appears on another archive page the data will need to be refetched. With an object cache, the cache per product persists from page to page so you’ll start seeing far faster page loads.

Scalability Pro doesn’t yet help with product variations on the archive page – it helps with the main slow running queries (e.g. WP_Query on archive pages). So in this case you should add an object cache and report back in the comment area below or update your question.

There’s more info here about identifying the cause of your bottleneck:

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