No change in speed after installing Scalability plugin

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: WordPress Performance AnalysisNo change in speed after installing Scalability plugin
Dan N. asked 4 years ago

Hi there:

I purchased your performance pack today.

I've installed the Scalability plugin and addressed the following:

Remove cast on postmeta queries

Optimise wp-admin WooCommerce products list

Remove custom-meta select box

Optimise WooCommerce Updates

Remove Woo Ajax variations calculations

Remove pagination (installed infinite scroll)

After addressing these areas, there was no change in speed.

Checked out a couple page speed sites:

Pingdom and GTMetrics and still scoring between a C and D.

I also have WP Rocket installed as well.

I have just over 12000 products listed on the website.

I don't want to break my site so I am writing this wanting to request the free Performance Analysis Health Check.

Seeking help at this point.

Awaiting your reply.

LDN replied 4 years ago

I think we’re good to go now. I disabled every plugin and started over and was able to get overall page speed down to below 2 seconds. Definitely had some heavy plugins that were slowing everything down. At this point, the performance is much better.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

That’s great news, 12000 products is not so many, but it’s enough you’ll notice a speed boost from Faster Woo Widgets and Scalability Pro.

LDN replied 4 years ago

Well the site is only a few months old and I’ve been working hard adding new products. I’d like to get it to 50k. Any tips on how I add products any faster ? Or do you think 12k in 3 months is good ? I’ve got no idea since this is the first time I’ve developed a site like this that’s more along the ecommerce and retail side.

With that said, since I’ve come across your scalability plugin, I’m paying much more attention to how plugins affect the overall speed of the site.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

What is it that’s causing you to add products so slowly? Is it import speed, or sourcing products?

LDN replied 4 years ago

I’m currently using wzone (a wp plugin) to do it. Do you have a faster method ?

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

There’s an upgrade planned for Scalability Pro which will allow you to temporarily alter the ‘registered sizes’ when you are importing to only import 2 sizes – one for Woo thumbnails and the other for the featured image. In the meantime, you can try installing the ‘Image Sizes’ plugin and have a look at how many registered sizes you have – if you remove sizes you don’t need, your imports will speed up:

LDN replied 4 years ago

Thanks for the heads up on the upgrade. Speaking of upgrades, and I know I’m taking this in a different direction regarding what started this thread, but on the performance pack I paid for, I didn’t pay for lifetime. Does that mean after a year that even if there’s an upgrade, I won’t be able to access it ?

LDN replied 4 years ago

I just didn’t think it was very clear before purchasing and I thought it was strange that even though it’s paid for that you can’t access updates beyond a year but again I wasn’t sure, but proceeded with the purchase either way.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

You can use the software forever, but the yearly license is for updates and support. It’s similar to other plugins that do yearly licenses to cover ongoing support and development costs. I used to only sell the plugins with lifetime licenses, but there wasn’t enough revenue to cover development costs so I had to take on performance analysis and optimisation jobs to have enough revenue to develop the plugins. I reduced the price when I moved to a yearly license structure, and I have nice upgrade options – if you upgrade within 6 months of purchase, you get the full amount you spent already as a discount. After that, you get 50% of what you spent as a discount on any upgrades.

LDN replied 4 years ago

Thanks for replying, sorry it took me a minute to get back to what you sent. So if I upgrade within 6 months, what am I paying (e.g. total cost) to get access to updates beyond the year that I’ve already paid for ? Figured it made more sense to ask to get an actual figure from you.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

I’ve added some 3 year plans, if you upgrade within 6 months you would get whatever you paid already reduced from the price of whichever 3 year plan you go for:

Let me know and I’ll make you a discount coupon when you’re ready.

LDN replied 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply and for the offer on the discount. I had to migrate over to a dedicated server and in having done so, the speed is much better and so are my page scores. Caching speed from the server is much improved and that has changed everything in compliment with the Scalability pro plugin. The site has gone from a C and D score at GTMetrics to now achieving a scoring speed of an A (96%).

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