Is it OK to upgrade Datafeedr API?

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Faster Datafeedr Product SetsIs it OK to upgrade Datafeedr API?
Bobette K. asked 8 years ago

I have version Version 1.0.43. Will upgrading to version 1.0.45 break this plug-in?


3 Answers
Vasil Y. answered 8 years ago

Greetings Bobette, apologies for the very delayed answer. In case you are still wondering, you should be fine with upgrading to the newer version, we haven’t heard of any bugs or glitches occuring with it. Don’t hesitate to contact us again should any problems arise. Thanks.

Bobette K. answered 8 years ago

Thanks Vasil. I assume we should still hold off updating the Datafeedr Product Sets plug-in?

Vasil Y. answered 8 years ago

I believe so, I will double check with Dave tomorrow yet I think it’s best if you wait with it for now.

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