FWW – Shop titles

Neo n. asked 3 years ago

Hi Dave,

i have a question about SEO settings for FWW filters - Shop titles.

I followed your intertuctions and set up the Shop titles for my products categories. Works great. However! I my shop have products for men and women. Right now it looks liks this: https://www.n2315.com/women/clothing-women/

So you can see the shop title "Designer Clothing", but i would like it to be more specific and be "Designer Clothing for Women" or "Women's designer clothing" - the wordss order doesnt matter, what really matters that the category or attribute "gender" Women is added to the shop title.

It is also much better for marketing purposes and search engines.

My question is, is it possible to add an attirbute gender or sense the category (Women or Men) when setting up shop titles in FWW settings?

Thank you in advance.



1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Yes this is possible already. See this image:


  1. You need to enable the override of WooCommerce and/or SEO shop titles at the top of the settings page
  2. You also need to enable override of WooCommerce titles at the section in the image above (this will change in future so there will just be one setting for this!)
  3. Drag whichever taxonomy or attribute you like into the titles and you can prefix or postfix them with hyphen, comma, colon, or words or whatever you like.
Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

I think I see what you mean now – you want the category name of the /women/ part of the category (parent to this category) to be displayable. Currently this is not possible unless maybe you also have an attribute or tag which holds the word ‘women’ or ‘men’ – if you have an attribute like that, you can add that to the title.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

I think I see what you mean now – you want the category name of the /women/ part of the category (parent to this category) to be displayable. Currently this is not possible unless maybe you also have an attribute or tag which holds the word ‘women’ or ‘men’ – if you have an attribute like that, you can add that to the title.

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