Example Website Please

Bobette K. asked 8 years ago

Can you show us a website that uses this plug-in? I'd like to see how Pinterest treats the images (what they show as the source site). Thanks!

Dave H. replied 8 years ago

Hi – I’ll release a link to my demo site ASAP and I’ll add a pinterest plugin – is there a particular pinterest plugin you use to add the Pin buttons?

Bobette K. replied 8 years ago

I am not yet using one in the Datafeedr/Woocommerce store (just recently set it up and one of the misc details on the to-do). On the blog I am using Social Media Feather.

1 Answers
Dave H. answered 8 years ago

Hi – I’ve added the WooCommerce Social Media Share Buttons plugin to my demo site and I’ve updated the demo site to use the latest version of the Super Speedy Plugins plugin so you can see it all working.

It’s also using the External WordPress Images plugin and when sharing with Pinterest, it correctly shares the image from the CDN but with your URL.

e.g. Try clicking the Pin


Bobette K. replied 8 years ago


Petr H. replied 7 years ago

Working fine I see…

Anon replied 7 years ago

maybe not – sorry – I mess about with it a lot – you can check demo.prelive.superspeedyplugins.com – it’s up more often

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