Doubling variations

. asked 3 years ago

So since my request on QaA went unaswered, I decided to look to another web of mine that uses FWW. Recently, it got autoupdated and it uses the latest version of fast widget plugin.

Website is in english so you can test and understand it:

It simply doesnt work. Clearing cache will make it work "for a second", but if you will logout /or private browsing/ doubling, tripleing of URLs variations parts , titles WILL OCCUR! Just go get a coffey come back and start browsing...

I want to mention, and give you a clue: All products have "uncategorized" category that is not used in widget area, I am using only variables /variations/.

That "paint website" was an eye opener for me.

Some of the paints had assigned category and brand /tripling didnt happen with the latest version of plugin/.

Paints that have only variation and in woocommerce they are in "uncategorized" category, doubling, tripling happen...

So there, cant wait for an answer.


Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Thanks for this report. I’ll try and have this figured out today.

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

Thanks I really appreciate it. I even wated to make a video as a proof. Same domain, same setup, only plugin update. I am not sure, I didnt not test properly, but the last version without doubling for me was 2.25/26 but I moght by wrong. I didnt test properly.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

So it seems to be with certain themes, if you don’t have a product category widget, and if you have the shop set to the home page, this is when this doubling bug appears. Working on a fix now.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

More specifically – it’s also when you have the ‘attributes only filter’ set to something other than ‘shop’ – or whatever the shop url is. I’ll figure out a fix for this – in the meantime, I’ve altered your setting to ‘shop’ instead of ‘filter’:

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Can you please check your shop and confirm you can’t see this doubling/trebling bug again?

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

With one caveat – when you check your shop, please can you empty your object cache and any widget cache you have enabled? Somehow I’m seeing /filter/… still appear as a URL even though I’ve changed the attributes only filter base to /shop/

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

I’ve fixed that – the way I fixed it was by adding a category widget, visiting Settings -> Faster Woo Widgets then hitting the save button then deleting the category widget again. I’ll add a fix to ensure you don’t need to go through this and you can have a shop without categories.

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

Ahh. Ok I got it. Maybe I should change “Product attribute base” at permalinks from “filter” to “shop” this way I would have to go through loss of ranking in google /change of urls/. Thanks anyway! Gonna play with it tommorrow.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

I think so long as you added the category widget, visited settings then hit save, then you can delete the category widget and it should still work with ‘filter’ in the base permalink if you wish that.

Patrik P. replied 3 years ago

Thats exactly what I did and it works like a charm. Thanks a lot for your time to look at it. Once again, I really appreciate it.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting back – I’ll update the answer and the plugin will be fixed so that this won’t happen on any future sites that don’t use categories.

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