Critical Error Datafeedr

Liam F. asked 4 years ago


When we we use Faster Product Sets in conjunction with this issue we are suffering -,

Our website presents an error message: "There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions"

Then, the product do not load in the Woocommerce admin area. Any ideas as to what might be causing this?


Liam F. replied 4 years ago

According to PHP errors, this is where the issues is: if ( empty( $dfr_product = dfrps_product( $product->get_id() ) ) ) {
return $image;

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

Can you add the specific error message you are getting? To grab the error message from your import, enable your debug.log file:

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Liam – can you confirm if this is still happening? I think this error was in conjunction with External Images and was fixed. I think this was fixed at the beginning of September –

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

And OP, can you confirm if you are using External Images too and if this problem persists?

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

This was a bug related to a datafeedr function we hook onto. Fixed 2 months ago.

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