Compatability with Multi Vendor Marketplace WCFM

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProCompatability with Multi Vendor Marketplace WCFM
. asked 2 years ago

Hi, I run a large multivendor marketplace with 20,000+ products ansd 1500+ vendors using WCFM/Woocomerce ( and just wanted to find out whether your Scalability Pro plugin would be compatible with WCFM? I saw that WCFM reached out to you a while back so wanted to follow up prior to purchasing. We use FacetWP as our filter and FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro) for our search. Thanks so much.

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi – sorry about the ’53 year old’ question bug. I’ll figure this out.

But YES – we are fully compatible with WCFM and make it lightning fast.

We have case studies coming but in the meantime we have a couple of happy WCFM users on our Discord server that I’m sure would be happy to chat to you and help answer any questions you have.

It’s ok for you to just use Scalability Pro + FacetWP & FiboSearch although of course I would suggest you use our full stack i.e. Scalability Pro + Super Speedy Filters + Super Speedy Search.

If you search for WCFM in this changelog file you’ll see an update specifically added for WCFM a year ago:

Obviously Scalability Pro helps WCFM in many other ways too – wp-admin is made faster, main queries in archives are made faster etc.

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