Can images be added and updated via the Woo Commerce REST API?

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: External ImagesCan images be added and updated via the Woo Commerce REST API?
. asked 4 years ago

With your External Images plugin - can images be added and updated via the Woo Commerce REST API?

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1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Yes they can. To add them, set the post meta field external_image_url – inside here, place pipe | separated image URLs.

If you are updating products, if you have your API configured to run the post_meta actions by default, then the same as above will work, just update the external_image_url meta value.

If you have wordpress hooks switched off for some reason, you’ll also need to reset the meta field ei_converted to 0 instead of 1.

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