Buddypress and WP Adverts plugin

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProBuddypress and WP Adverts plugin
. asked 3 years ago


Im really interested in this plugin but I would like to know if it can help improve buddypress and wp adverts plugin

  1. https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/
  2. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpadverts/

With buddypress how will it improve 500,000 registered members

With WP adverts how will it improve thousands of

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – yes, it should help BuddyPress but to be honest it’s been ages since I tried it with Buddypress so it depends if their main queries have changed.

Super Speedy Search definitely helps BuddyPress.

Maybe I could test before and after on your dev site?

Your Answer

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