Berocket woocommerce Ajax filters not showing all attributes

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProBerocket woocommerce Ajax filters not showing all attributes
Jos S. asked 3 years ago


just a quick question. Yesterday I had a website with Woocommerce Berocket Ajax filters running.

The filter did not show some attributes of Woocommerce.

I got blaimed for using scalability pro which could broken the data in Woocommerce which results in breaking the filters.

Basicly, they think that Scalability is causing data to be saved incorrectly. However after resaving the product(s) with scalability on or off the filters start being filled with those attributes again.

I saw the scalability Pro is only creating B-tree indexes for faster search in database and optimizes queries. I dont think that scalability could break BeRocket filters. Am I correct? Or am I missing something?

Kind regards,


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

The b-tree indexes are definitely not at fault, they cannot do what you described.

However – depending on how Berocket Filters are coded, possibly some of the optimisations inside Scalability Pro may affect them. The most likely one is the ‘Remove Sort Order’ option – if Berocket relies on a particular order of items for some reason, it might affect it.

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