Misspellings & Synonyms

Super Speedy Search adds a “misspellings” taxonomy which lets you add misspellings and synonyms to any of your post types. This allows your users to have fat fingers and misfiring brains and still find results.

Regular Search Results

Searching for the correct spelling should obviously bring the correct results but without adding misspellings and synonyms, the result of an incorrect spelling will be zero.

Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Regular Searches & Results





The same goes for using synonyms.

Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Super Speedy Search Jumper

Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Jumper Search Results

Adding Misspellings & Synonyms

Open the required Post Type (in this case, Product) and add the Misspellings & Synonyms like you would add tags or categories. Click Update once happy with your options.

Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Add Both           Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Added Both

Now, both of these searches will yield correct results.


Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Fixed Super Speedy Search Results

Viewing Misspellings Across All Post Types

Access the “Misspellings & Synonyms” option in your Dashboard under any of your post type options (Posts, Pages, Products, etc) to view all of your configured misspellings.

Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Dashboard Select

Super Speedy Plugins - Misspellings & Synonyms Added



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