Clear Filters is not clearing the category

If you are getting annoyed at the Clear Filters button never clearing the category, you ...

Onsale filter not working

If your onsale filter is not working, check in wp-admin > Settings > Super Speedy ...

Wrong title displaying in browser page title.

After installing Super Speedy Filters, the browser page title may not be displaying how ...

Counts are wrong in the widgets

If you have incorrect counts in your widgets, it means our tables got out of sync with ...

Change ‘shop 2’ page back to ‘shop’ page

This issue isn't related to our plugin, but it can happen that your shop page ends on ...

Newly created term not appearing in widgets or term updated for product and not reflected in widgets

We maintain an optimised table representing your posts and their taxonomies. These tables ...

Ajax not working

Super Speedy Filters comes with comprehensive Ajax options which should work out of the ...

Plugin Updates are not working

We update our plugins regularly. If your plugin updates are not working, check the ...

Multiselect not working

With Super Speedy Filters you can enable 'multiselect' for taxonomies or attributes. ...

Filters not displaying

If your filters are not displaying, check these potential issues below. Old version of ...
WP Intense