Radio Display Type buttons filling in

This link should show the 'Radio button' filled in with 'Clothing' category selected, in ...

Show/Hide search box

Select if you would like to display a search box in the filters. If 'Hide' is selected, ...

Page-2 loading Page-1 products when there aren’t enough products

When selecting a category and an attribute and there are not enough products with those ...

Confirming Brand landing page works

After adding a brand plugin and setting up a brand and brand page, the brand page should ...

Ordering by price with products that have no price

With Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog > Default Product Sorting set to ...

Adding description to category

Add a description to the categories in Dashboard > Products > Categories > ...

Making sure categories appear in the shop archive

When selecting "show categories & products" in customizer > WooCommerce > ...

Brand multiselect

Allow multiple selections in the 'Brands' widget. If 'narrow the results' is selected, ...

Variable product – Color

Create a variable product with two colors. Red is out of stock and yellow is in stock.   ...

Variable Product – Size

Create a variable product with two sizes. Large is out of stock and Small is in stock. ...
WP Intense