“Show Postmeta matches” text

Select the text you would like to display for activating the filter:

Show all text

The 'Show all text' option only applies to the Radio display type. You can change it to ...

Meta Value to Toggle

Set the meta value for which products to toggle when this filter is activated here:

Postmeta Toggle Display Types

Pick from 4 display types Radio Two radio buttons, either show all products or only ...

Meta Key for Postmeta Range or Postmeta Toggle filter

Our Postmeta Range filters and Postmeta Toggle filters both allow you to filter your ...

Hiding or disabling the filter

Set this filter to either be completely hidden, or lightly visible but disabled. Only ...

Highlighting the selected options

Move selected items to top After selecting an option, that option will be moved to the ...

Show the number of selected filters next to title

Choose to show the number of selected options per filter next to the filter title, or ...

Showing Advanced Settings

Select 'Show Advanced Settings' to see some more advanced filter settings.

Container Types

Using different container types can make for a cleaner and smoother experience. Popout ...
WP Intense