Filter instant search

Our category, custom taxonomy and product attribute filters provide the option to add an inline instant search box at the top of the widget. The search box feature is particularly useful if you have a huge amount of categories, materials, size options, or a never ending and diverse list of colour choices or blends. As users type, it will instantly filter out any non-matching attributes, taxonomies or categories to help the users find what they’re looking for.

Adding and using the search box

The search box feature can be found in Categories, Attributes and Custom Taxonomy widgets. The screenshot below is from the Faster Woo Widget Product Categories by scrolling down and clicking on the ‘Show search box’ before clicking on Save and refreshing my shop page.

As I typed into the search box, there was an immediate response as the feature began to filter the results.


I updated my shop page using the new feature and took these screenshots using the Big Store theme which sits neatly in the side bar and is clear and clean to the eye.



We can see the same before and after effect here for colour search. Whichever choices you make on the design of your shop page, your customers will find access to your products efficiently.


When to add search

It’s probably not useful to add the search box to every Attribute or Category you have on your shop page. It’s much better used for when you have massive category or attribute lists.

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