When should I rebuild the Super Speedy Filters tables

Super Speedy Filters creates and maintains some supporting tables which are built with a ...

Creating a WooCommerce Rating Filter

If you wish to create a rating filter for your WooCommerce products, you can do so with ...

Adding CSS classes to the Super Speedy Filters widgets

If you don't like how your current theme is displaying the filters, or you are migrating ...

How to customise the product counts appearance in the attribute and category widgets

Change Product Count Colour and Background You can control the colours and backgrounds ...

Why do the product counts in the sidebar look wrong?

Faster Woo Widgets counts products for your sidebar based on whatever settings you have ...

Why are attributes missing from the widgets when I know I’ve set them in my products?

If you have added faster woo widgets for attributes to your sidebar, and you know these ...
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