Removing the slow WooCommerce code

Super Speedy Filters speeds up your archive pages immediately once you have removed all ...

Adjusting imports to work with Super Speedy Filters

Super Speedy Filters maintains side-tables that copies the contents of wp_posts, ...

How to replace your existing Woocommerce filters with Super Speedy Filters.

This is a step-by-step guide to replacing your slow widgets with our Super Speedy ...

How to upload and activate the Super Speedy Filters plugin

The Super Speedy Filters plugin replaces the defacto WooCommerce widgets with far faster ...

Customising Price Filter

proThe Super Speedy Price Filter has 5 display styles to pick from, Here, I will show you ...

Customising Lists

Customise colours, font sizes, and text indentation of the List Display Type filter. ...

Customising Minimizable & Accordion Buttons

Customising Minimizable (Default Open, Default Closed) and Accordion Container Types. ...

Customising Container Buttons

Customise each of the Container Buttons separately, starting with the selectors: ...

Customising Labels

Customise the colours, borders, shape, size, and spacing of the Label Display Type ...

When should I rebuild the Super Speedy Filters tables

Super Speedy Filters creates and maintains some supporting tables which are built with a ...

Creating a WooCommerce Rating Filter

If you wish to create a rating filter for your WooCommerce products, you can do so with ...

Adding CSS classes to the Super Speedy Filters widgets

If you don't like how your current theme is displaying the filters, or you are migrating ...

How to customise the product counts appearance in the attribute and category widgets

Change Product Count Colour and Background You can control the colours and backgrounds ...

Why do the product counts in the sidebar look wrong?

Faster Woo Widgets counts products for your sidebar based on whatever settings you have ...

Why are attributes missing from the widgets when I know I’ve set them in my products?

If you have added faster woo widgets for attributes to your sidebar, and you know these ...

Clear Filters is not clearing the category

If you are getting annoyed at the Clear Filters button never clearing the category, you ...

Onsale filter not working

If your onsale filter is not working, check in wp-admin > Settings > Super Speedy ...

Wrong title displaying in browser page title.

After installing Super Speedy Filters, the browser page title may not be displaying how ...

Counts are wrong in the widgets

If you have incorrect counts in your widgets, it means our tables got out of sync with ...

Change ‘shop 2’ page back to ‘shop’ page

This issue isn't related to our plugin, but it can happen that your shop page ends on ...

Newly created term not appearing in widgets or term updated for product and not reflected in widgets

We maintain an optimised table representing your posts and their taxonomies. These tables ...

Ajax not working

Super Speedy Filters comes with comprehensive Ajax options which should work out of the ...

Plugin Updates are not working

We update our plugins regularly. If your plugin updates are not working, check the ...

Multiselect not working

With Super Speedy Filters you can enable 'multiselect' for taxonomies or attributes. ...

Filters not displaying

If your filters are not displaying, check these potential issues below. Old version of ...

Two archive titles are displaying, how do I hide one of them?

Some themes will make use of the archive_description hook and some will also make use of ...

Selecting a Filter Generating Wrong URL

If a filter is being selected but you're being sent to the same page you were on. please ...

Radio Display Type buttons filling in

This link should show the 'Radio button' filled in with 'Clothing' category selected, in ...

Show/Hide search box

Select if you would like to display a search box in the filters. If 'Hide' is selected, ...

Page-2 loading Page-1 products when there aren’t enough products

When selecting a category and an attribute and there are not enough products with those ...

Confirming Brand landing page works

After adding a brand plugin and setting up a brand and brand page, the brand page should ...

Ordering by price with products that have no price

With Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog > Default Product Sorting set to ...

Adding description to category

Add a description to the categories in Dashboard > Products > Categories > ...

Making sure categories appear in the shop archive

When selecting "show categories & products" in customizer > WooCommerce > ...

Brand multiselect

Allow multiple selections in the 'Brands' widget. If 'narrow the results' is selected, ...

Variable product – Color

Create a variable product with two colors. Red is out of stock and yellow is in stock.   ...

Variable Product – Size

Create a variable product with two sizes. Large is out of stock and Small is in stock. ...

Variable Stock Control Test – Colours

From the shop page: there are 5 blue ...

Variable Stock Control – Sizes

From the shop page: each size has 2 ...
WP Intense