Guide to third party storage

External Images allows you to host your images pretty much anywhere instead of using your ...

How to alter import jobs to import external images

Our External Images plugin alters WordPress to allow you to use featured images and image ...

Adding external images to posts or custom post types

External Images work everywhere that allows featured images and/or galleries. Note that ...

Changing external images for WooCommerce products manually

The WooCommerce product editor uses its own editor interface - not the new WordPress ...

Installation & Activation

After purchasing the External Images Plugin, you will receive a zipped file, from there, ...

Datafeedr Integration

External Images includes an option to prevent Datafeedr from downloading featured images ...

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Compatibility

Compatibility with WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit was added in version 2.35. To use ...

Photon image resizing

External Images includes optional image resizing using the Jetpack Photon service. To use ...

For specific themes, widgets or shortcodes, External Images are not being displayed

The most common cause of this is if you are using any of the following features in your ...

Is my theme compatible with External Images?

External Images uses hooks and filters to overwrite the default functions used by ...

How do external images appear to Google, Twitter, Facebook etc?

The External Images plugin sets the relevant meta tags to indicate to Google, Twitter, ...

How do I make the images on archive pages fill the full containing box?

This one is easy. You have installed External Images and you're seeing something like the ...

How to force non-SSL images to be converted to SSL (HTTPS)

Our plugin External Images has two techniques for converting external HTTP (non-SSL) ...

How do I fix gallery images on product detail pages?

If the product gallery is not working properly on product detail pages, as in the ...

How do I remove the extra placeholder added by my theme on the archive pages?

Some of the themes out there will add an action onto the WooCommerce product loop to ...

Where can I edit the external image url and gallery URLs in the Gutenberg editor?

If you have upgraded to Gutenberg, the layout of the meta boxes has changed a little. ...

Cloudflare is caching posts/products without images when imported using WP All Import

If you are using Cloudflare and WP All Import together, then most of the time this works ...

When I rerun an import with updated image urls or image texts, the images or texts do not change

If you are re-running your import and your images do not update, chances are you have ...

I have a blank image at the end of my gallery, how do I fix this?

If you experience a blank image at the end of your gallery, it probably means your import ...

Long External Image URLs save but do not appear in Media and so do not have captions, alt text or title text

In some cases, you may try to add image URLs which are too long for WordPress to handle. ...

Thumbnails not appearing on property detail or product detail page

Some themes sometimes expect an image ID to exist and to then use this image ID to grab ...

Featured Image broken with the Houzez theme

The Houzez theme is a popular property/real-estate theme for real-estate agencies. The ...

How to fix weird image sizes

If you enable the 'image cropping' feature in External Images, CSS is then used to resize ...

External Images demo with Houzez Theme

Your real estate website should have loads of high quality images on it. 250 properties ...

External Images demo with RealHomesPro Theme

Having a large amount of high-definition images on your server takes up far too much ...

External Images demo with WPResidence theme

Storing high-definition images takes up huge amounts of space on your server. With our ...
WP Intense